3:38pm - Around 2am this morning, Anna woke me to say her water broke. She thought it was her mucous plug. She called Sheilana, our doula, who said it might be mucous. Thankfully, we had an appointment at 8:45am in the morning.
Once at the appointment with Dr Price, she sent us to triage as she suspected the water had broken. No contractions, ultrasound with baby still down, and great NST. We decided to go back home and get all of our luggages and Stitch.
Stitcho went straight to Rebecca's in Bellevue! We got boba from San Chen in Bellevue.
At triage at 2:30pm, the nurse also suspected the water broke. Within 30 mins, it was confirmed an flurry of Doctors and nurses entered the room to tell us we were being admitted to room 143.
It was fast. I could barely reach for the phone to call the doula and put her on speakerphone. The plan is to induce Anna as the water break being open too long leads to risk of infection.
Sean's notes: You are coming! I called my dad and I felt a jolt of excitement I've never felt before. My hands were cold and my heart racing. It's finally happening what an elation! I chowed down on a Steak Egg and Cheese bagel so fast. 
I'm in the room right now, 143, and noticing the baby warming. Holy moly this is where you're gonna be born baby girl! This room might be it. I agreed to cut the cord. 
Anna observations: she's way more calm than me for some reason. Nurse told me not to pass out on inserting the IV, I'm not gonna pass out! Haha I think. She's totes calm rn.
Moments before confirmation that the water was indeed broke. Me on the husbands bench. Just blogging, cuz, what am I supposed to do right now.
6:27pm - a dosage of Miso (or something) was given to start contractions. I've run out to get Fang's noodles, in celebration of the year of the snake, the second day after new year, I got chic-fil-a and McDonald's in the drive thru. I'm wondering when I should shower. Anna is on wireless monitoring and wants to walk around the ward to get her steps in. 
Some news headlines and current events: 
The plane crashed into a helicopter in Reagan National Airport// more to come I guess
China launched an AI called Deepseek, which tanked the stock of Nvidia, MSFT, and OpenAI​​​​​​​
Here are some picture of the room we are at:
Cool looking baby heater 'Panda Heater' that looks like a Mr Buddy heater! I brought an LG stanbyme TV to watch Sonic 3! Works great and the image is great!
8:35pm. Another does of antibiotics, and in a hour another dose of Miso. Anna looking great!
8:50pm - Anna says contraction - intensity 2 or 3
9:30pm - Anna was supposed to get the Miso does 2, but now contractions are about 3-4min apart.
Nurse chat: we are waiting for the Cervix to reach 10cm and active labor, which could last 1-3 hrs. We need to time the epidural based on Anna's pain, and signs of baby. Pain meds for epidural administered through IV need cannot be given 1 hr before birth. 
All this to say - it looks like we are in labor stages! 
Oh and Miller and Marissa - Marissa has been having contractions today. We may be neighbors in the same unit. What are the chances!?-
10:18PM - We filled out the birth certificate.
She’s sleeping now, 10:26pm getting some rest before contractions get more intense! 
11:45pm. Annas sleeping, I'm having trouble sleeping. This dang windows update is taking forever. The room across from us has a lady in AGONY. Not the best sounds to be hearing. 
8:00AM Dr Price, our original Dr is back! The doula Sheiliena said that some mom's, like the one across the hall, roar their baby to birth. Contractions have been intermittent, but not progressing enough especially more than 24hrs post first break. They have started Pitocin in order to induce labor! Let's see how it progresses.
10:48AM Anna was getting really uncomfortable, and pretty miserable with the 8/10 pain in some the contractions, 2cm dilated, 80% effaced cervix. She wanted avoid the fentanyl but the nurse Perla and I convinced her/encouraged her so that she can finally get some rest. Within minutes, she started talking about her skin care routine, talked with the nurse at length about Korean skin hair products. She was herself again within moments, and is finally able to take a relaxed and at ease proper nap. I put Stitch's blanky near her. I wonder how he's doing too.
12pm - Water gushed. Perla kept moving Anna in different positions. And then eventually GUSH. I put on Top Gun maverick with the LG suitcase, the nurse said, "what a good husband!" and then gush gush and intense contractions.
1:15pm Anna got the epidural. She could only make it to the toilet (we had tried to get her in for a warm bath). The guy came in and I asked him what gauge needle. Then the nurse and anethesioligist and doula were like, "I've never got that question before" and I gave myself away as me and Anna going to Nursing School. Haha the more you know!
She's feeling a lot better now.
1:50pm Anna is 5cm dilated from the cervical check. Sr price says that her boyfriend has only been wrong 6 times ever 
6pm Dr Chien came into check in the cervix at and she was at 8cm. She talked about a team board!
7:25pm Dr price said she’d bring Anna Thai fresh rolls!
Anna had puked revealing she had eaten peanuts
She officially made it through transition, but was extremely nauseous. Nurse Perla is off shift, Dr Chien is covering for Dr price. Even the smell of chicken food is making Anna sick. She was able to handle skin moisturizer and brushing her hair.
Anna received an extra bolus from the anesthesiologist. It’s almost go time! Dr price came in with a polka dot dress. Thankfully, even with the Thai food excursion, she’s back to deliver. Oh and I forgot my Amazon returns. Due Jan 31st (NOT)
Feb 1st 2025
We are trying different positions for Anna right now. The Dr has dropped the word "c-section" as she is feeling that the cervix is 9.5cm. Something about progress and contractions slowing down but we want to remain positive that the cervix being like 90 to 100% effaced.
It is tiring though - Anna is putting in a good amount of energy after taking in some GU. It's actually me that is getting tired though which is harder than I expect. How can I rest when Anna is doing a humungo amount of work! It is indeed now February 1st and I can tell we kinda want to get this show on the road. That said - had the water not broken early then we may just have been chilling at home. This one is tougher one. Good news is that mom Anna is holding through pretty well and that Naomi's heart rate has been consistent 120 to like 130 the whole time. What do we do about sleep?
Anna in CUB “Comfortable Upright Birth” and Trendenleberg runners position, with suggestions and assistance by our doula Shelieina.
Came down to the wire. Stuck at 9cm for 6 hours. 6 hours is the cutoff before c section
 Doula made me “talk” to the doctor by myself outside to stall the doctor from coming in and doing the cervix check
2:15am came in and said she was 10cm and complete time for pushing
2:00AMAfter a 200am scare that she might be a c section, price came in and graduated us to full dilation!
Pushing started at about 2:30am. It’s been about 1.5hrs now! Lots of pushing but it looks like she’s in good shape.
Very tiring regimen of GU and water and apple juice and breaks.
Anna once she realized she was full 10cm dilated. Ready to push!
The room filled with many nurse and Dr price getting Anna to deliver the placenta. She lost 1.5liters of blood so they hematology to come in and place a line for the blood transfusion. Dr price was curt to get a catheter kit to release Anna's bladder. Anna got lightheaded and nauseous, as the adrenaline was wearing off. The pierce of Nurse Linda's needle hurt and she was very cold. Sheliena was silent as she watched Dr Price continue to stitch and stich. They kept compressing her uterus to encourage cramping form the bleeding but also see if more blood would gush out. The lights were very bright overhead. Eventually, the staff in the room decreased. Anna was crying because it was overwhelming all that was beingtold, nurses kept getting vitals and kept compressing anna's abdomen and checking her bleeding every 15 mins and Linda had to come back as she didn't get enough blood for the labs and anna was shivering.
I was told  to also practice skin on skin so I was shirtless as Sheliena also tried to get colustrum from anna's boobs. She was very sensitive, baby was crying and the latch was very painful.
Eventually anna simply said she was tired and wanted to just rest. She puked from the nauseous and requested Tylenol, and anti-naseua, and another drug for clotting. For even a few minutes, we both finally went to our corners to sleep as the nurse took the baby for measurements and immunizations.
7lbs 6.1 oz!
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